28 Dec 2004

Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Mostly a pleasant city.. and in some ways I found "she" resembles European cities..Here is an image I won't forgetm taken next to the Museo Bellas Artes. Maybe it evens hints of the Argentinian spirit, standing tall and proud before Earth and Heaven, even when it's on fire! :-)

On a different note, on one of my tours of the city, I met with these families, who had come to camp in front of a government building to protest against a situation that affected them. (I believe it had to do with lodging or jobs in a less wealthy part of the country)

Unfortunately, I have no more interesting pictures of Buenos Aires, as my camera was stolen later in Paraguay.I also lost the pics on Esteros del Ibera,  as well as Uruguay and Paraguay. Shit happens!

26 Dec 2004

Tierra del Fuego 2 - Outdoors (Argentina)

You can take a train ride into the national park, in this cute, almost toy, train. Perfect place to take the children for a day out... (if only it was not literally in the end of the world!)

This is a beaver dam. The level is more than 1 meter. With a pool area of hundreds of meters, the structure build by these ingenious animals is holding hundreds of tons of water!!

On my way to the mountains above Ushuaia, with my friends Silvana and Pedro.

And here is the bay seen from the top! (with zoom actually, otherwise looks quite small...)

23 Dec 2004

Tierra del Fuego 1 - Christmas in Ushuaia (Chile, Argentina)

We had a beautiful view from the youth hostel...
 I was surprised to know that there is such a thing as "Salsa Portuguesa" (Portuguese Sauce) - since it doesn't exist in Portugal! (anymore? or in anonumous obscurity?...)
 I spent Christmas in Ushuaia.. though away from family and friends, I could enjoy tango and bolero! And I was lucky to have some friendly travellers around too!


17 Dec 2004

Torres del Paine National Park (Chile)

Such a great scenery! Here is mostly water, snow and rock. With some green in the low areas.

See the silver blue colour of the almost frozen water at the bottom of the pit. Beautiful!

It was my last stop in Chile. I walked and camped around here for 3-4 days, much too short. But I was wasted at the end.

15 Dec 2004

Cruising West Patagonia: from Pto Montt to Punta Arenas (Chile)

I took a 3 day trip on my way south. This is in the local "Summer".. in the Winter the ice will be abundant. Let the images speak for themselves...

12 Dec 2004

Chiloe and Puerto Montt.. on the way to the South (Chile)

Chiloe' is a pictorescque island - I like these colourful houses on poles, just over the water. The place is quite laid back, not too warm nor too cold. Plus, there is these old-looking wooden houses, but quite confortable actually! (the one pictured is in Puerto Montt on the mainland)

Something else to try is the Curanto, a local - heavyweight - dish with seafood and meat.
 All in all this is a nice place, on the way to the end of the world.. (to Patagonia)