17 Apr 2006

Yichang: Small town, great shots (Hubei, PRC, 宜昌湖北中国)

Yichang is not a remarkable city, though in ancient times it was rather important as the last port upstream before the gorges leading to Sichuan province. The city is mostly concrete, but I took interesting photos here.

Two sides of a changing economy, the old coal cart and a newer stockmarket. The coal is still a preferred fuel for stoves throughout China, and carting must be a tough job. Then again, that's how my granpa started, and here I am travelling the world! As for the room full of screens, I could not find what they were trading - probably grains or merchandise at the port.

And here is one of the local street markets: a demolished quarter serves as a selling floor for fresh produce. Tip: always have your food well done.

Surprisingly too, I found an imponent Christian church right in front! (Yichang was at some point a concession port for foreign trade)

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